Life of a Feed

Let's walk through what the feed update lifecycle looks like.

Update Request

  • Any user calls aggregatorOpenRound, either manually or via a crank turn

  • sbv2 program checks if aggregator.minUpdateDelaySeconds have passed since the last openRound call

  • sbv2 program checks if a LeaseContract has enough funds to reward the oracles for the next round

  • sbv2 program assigns the next aggregator.oracleRequestBatchSize oracles to the update request and emits an AggregatorOpenRoundEvent

Oracle Execution

  • Oracle watches the chain for an AggregatorOpenRoundEvent with the oracle's public key assigned to the update

  • Oracle fetches the feed and job account definitions from its RPC Provider

  • Oracle verifies the job account definitions match the feeds aggregator.jobHashes

  • Oracle executes the job definitions in parallel

  • When an oracle receives aggregator.minJobResults, it calculates the weighted median based on the feeds aggregator.jobWeights. Note, this is not enforced on-chain and is purely up to the oracle to respect

  • If a feed has configured a aggregator.varianceThreshold and aggregator.forceReportPeriod has not elapsed, the oracle calculates the percentage change between its calculated result and the previous confirmed round. If it does not exceed the feeds aggregator.varianceThreshold, the oracle drops the update request and waits for new update request

  • If a feeds configuration dictate a new on-chain result, the oracle submits an aggregatorSaveResult transaction

Oracle Consensus

  • sbv2 program waits for aggregator.minOracleResults to be submitted by the assigned oracles

  • When sufficient oracle responses, the sbv2 program computes the accepted value from the median of the oracle responses

  • If a feed has a history buffer account, the accepted result is pushed onto the buffer

  • Oracles that responded within queue.varianceToleranceMultiplier are rewarded queue.reward from the feed's LeaseContract

  • If queue.slashingEnabled, oracles that responded outside the queue.varianceToleranceMultiplier are slashed queue.reward tokens from it's oracle.tokenAccount and transferred to the feed's lease.escrow

  • If additional oracle responses are submitted after a value has been accepted, the median is recalculated based on the new response set, oracle rewards are redistributed, and the history buffer value is updated

Data Feed Composability

Data feeds may reference other data feeds and build upon each other. It is strongly recommended that you own any feed that you reference in case of downstream impacts out of your control. While anyone can extend another feeds lease, a lease owner can always withdraw any lease funds and prevent future updates.

As an example, you could construct the following feed definition:

  • Create a Switchboard feed that sources SOL/USD prices from a variety of exchanges, each weighted by their 7d volume, along with a history buffer

  • Create a Switchboard feed that uses an OracleTask to fetch the Pyth SOL/USD price every 10 seconds, along with a history buffer

  • Create a Switchboard feed that uses an OracleTask to fetch the Chainlink SOL/USD price every 10 seconds, along with a history buffer

  • Finally, create a Switchboard feed that calculates the 1min TWAP of each source above and returns the median of the results

This is just a small window into how Switchboard feeds can build on each other and let the downstream consumer configure their feeds to meet their own use cases.

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