Developers: Quickstart!

Tutorial on using existing Switchboard Feeds.

Switchboard On-Demand Feeds are designed for maximum, speed, security, and simplicity. This quick-start guide will demonstrate how to use an existing Switchboard On-Demand Feed.

For a quick-start guide on creating new feeds via Typescript, see: Quickstart: Build and Use.

Start with Designing a feed for a more in-depth walkthrough on the process of creating and deploying with Switchboard.

Step 1: Getting a Solana Feed Public Key

Browse our awesome Explorer for a feed you like and save the feeds public key! You can also create a feed in our On-Demand Builder, which is a tool for building and deploying feeds directly from the a user interface. You can use it to pull data from almost anywhere. See the Designing a Feed section for more on configuring oracle jobs.

Step 2: Using Switchboard On-Chain

Add the latest switchboard-on-demand following to Cargo.toml by running:

cargo add switchboard-on-demand 

Then within your Solana Program, you can add the Pull Feed Account into an instruction for use within the program. For example:

// Switchboard import
use switchboard_on_demand::on_demand::accounts::pull_feed::PullFeedAccountData;

// Include the feed account
pub struct Test<'info> {
    pub feed: AccountInfo<'info>,

pub mod sb_on_demand_solana {
    use super::*;
    pub fn test<'a>(ctx: Context<Test>) -> Result<()> {
        // Feed account data
        let feed_account =;
        // Docs at:
        let feed = PullFeedAccountData::parse(feed_account).unwrap();
        // Get the value, 
        let price = feed.value();
        // Log the value
        msg!("price: {:?}", price);

Step 3: Updating a Feed

Get started by installing our Javascript/Typescript SDK via:

npm i @switchboard-xyz/on-demand

Now using this SDK and the public key of the feed:

  1. Initialize the feed account object,

  2. Fetch an update instruction for the latest feed update!

  3. Submit it to the chain along with your programs instruction!

// Replace with your feed pubkey
const feed = new PublicKey("HvMrsyD5p1Jg7PTCkLq3bkb5Hs1r3ToYex3ixZ1Mq47A");
const feedAccount = new sb.PullFeed(program, feed);
const demoPath = "target/deploy/sb_on_demand_solana-keypair.json";
const demo = await myAnchorProgram(program.provider, demoPath);

// Get the update instruction for switchboard and lookup tables to make the instruction lighter
const [pullIx, responses, success, luts] = await feedAccount.fetchUpdateIx();

// Instruction to example program using the switchboard feed
const myIx = await demo.methods.test().accounts({ feed }).instruction();

// Create the transaction
const tx = await sb.asV0Tx({
  ixs: [pullIx, myIx],
  signers: [keypair],
  computeUnitPrice: 200_000,
  computeUnitLimitMultiple: 1.3,
  lookupTables: luts,

// simulate the transaction
const simulateResult =
  await queue.program.provider.connection.simulateTransaction(tx, {
    commitment: "processed",

// Send the transaction via rpc 
const sig = await connection.sendTransaction(tx, { commitment: "processed" });

Check out our examples repository ! Need more in-depth info? Next Page!

Last updated