The Switchboard protocol is improving the security and efficiency of its data feeds through integration with Jito Node Consensus Networks (NCNs). Jito NCNs are decentralised networks that utilise staked assets to secure and validate on-chain activity within the Solana ecosystem. These NCNs leverage the economic security provided by staked assets to power their operations, creating the potential for stakers to earn rewards. Jito Restaking provides a flexible, multi-asset staking protocol on Solana where users can stake various SPL tokens, receive liquid Vault Receipt Tokens (VRTs) representing their stake, and earn rewards from multiple sources. By integrating Jito's NCNs, Switchboard is significantly strengthening the reliability and performance of its protocol, ultimately delivering enhanced benefits to its users.
Specifically, Switchboard chose to secure its protocol with Jito NCNs because of what they offer. That is:
Enhanced Data Security: An extra layer of decentralised security, making Switchboard's data feeds more resistant to manipulation and attacks.
Improved Protocol Reliability: By leveraging a wide range of staked assets within Jito's ecosystem, the Switchboard protocol gains access to a more robust and dependable network for validating its data.
User Rewards: By participating in the Jito Restaking ecosystem through Switchboard, users may have the opportunity to earn additional protocol rewards from their staked assets from multiple networks.
Keen to understand restaking, Node Consensus Networks, or Vault Receipt Tokens in greater detail? Explore our dedicated sections: What is restaking. What are Node Consensus Networks (NCNs). What are Vault Receipt Tokens (VRTs).
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Last updated