In the example.move module, use the Aggregator and CurrentResult types to access the latest feed data.
module example::switchboard_example {
use aptos_framework::aptos_coin::AptosCoin;
use aptos_framework::object::{Self, Object};
use on_demand::aggregator::{Self, Aggregator, CurrentResult};
use on_demand::decimal::Decimal;
use on_demand::update_action;
public entry fun my_function(account: &signer, update_data: vector<vector<u8>>) {
// Update the feed with the provided data
update_action::run<AptosCoin>(account, update_data);
* You can use the following code to remove and run switchboard updates from the update_data vector,
* keeping only non-switchboard byte vectors:
* update_action::extract_and_run<AptosCoin>(account, &mut update_data);
// Get the feed object
let aggregator: address = @0xSomeFeedAddress;
let aggregator: Object<Aggregator> = object::address_to_object<Aggregator>(aggregator);
// Get the latest update info for the feed
let current_result: CurrentResult = aggregator::current_result(aggregator);
// Access various result properties
let result: Decimal = aggregator::result(¤t_result); // Update result
let (result_u128, result_neg) = decimal::unpack(result); // Unpack result
let timestamp_seconds = aggregator::timestamp(¤t_result); // Timestamp in seconds
// Other properties you can use from the current result
let min_timestamp: u64 = aggregator::min_timestamp(¤t_result); // Oldest valid timestamp used
let max_timestamp: u64 = aggregator::max_timestamp(¤t_result); // Latest valid timestamp used
let range: Decimal = aggregator::range(¤t_result); // Range of results
let mean: Decimal = aggregator::mean(¤t_result); // Average (mean)
let stdev: Decimal = aggregator::stdev(¤t_result); // Standard deviation
// Use the computed result as needed...
Once dependencies are configured, updated aggregators can be referenced easily.
This implementation allows you to read and utilize Switchboard data feeds within Move. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the Switchboard team.
Creating an Aggregator and Sending Transactions
Building a feed in Switchboard can be done using the Typescript SDK, or it can be done with the Switchboard Web App. Visit our docs for more on designing and creating feeds.
Building Feeds in Typescript [optional]
import {
} from "@switchboard-xyz/aptos-sdk";
// get the aptos client
const config = new AptosConfig({
network: Network.MAINNET, // network a necessary param / if not passed in, full node url is required
const aptos = new Aptos(config);
// create a SwitchboardClient using the aptos client
const client = new SwitchboardClient(aptos, "movement"); // "bardock" for testnet
// for initial testing and development, you can use the public
// instance of crossbar
const crossbar = new CrossbarClient("");
// ... define some jobs ...
const queue = isMainnet
// Store some job definition
const { feedHash } = await, jobs);
// try creating a feed
const feedName = "BTC/USDT";
// Require only one oracle response needed
const minSampleSize = 1;
// Allow update data to be up to 60 seconds old
const maxStalenessSeconds = 60;
// If jobs diverge more than 1%, don't allow the feed to produce a valid update
const maxVariance = 1e9;
// Require only 1 job response
const minJobResponses = 1;
// Feed Initialization On-Chain
// ... get the account object for your signer with relevant key / address ...
// get the signer address
const signerAddress = account.accountAddress.toString();
const aggregatorInitTx = await Aggregator.initTx(client, signerAddress, {
name: feedName,
const res = await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({
signer: account,
transaction: aggregatorInitTx,
const result = await aptos.waitForTransaction({
transactionHash: res.hash,
options: {
timeoutSecs: 30,
checkSuccess: true,
// Log the transaction results
Updating Feeds
const aggregator = new Aggregator(sb, aggregatorId);
// Fetch and log the oracle responses
const { updates } = await aggregator.fetchUpdate();
// Create a transaction to run the feed update
const updateTx = await{
sender: singerAddress,
data: {
function: `${exampleAddress}::switchboard_example::my_function`,
functionArguments: [updates],
// Sign and submit the transaction
const res = await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({
signer: account,
transaction: updateTx,
// Wait for the transaction to complete
const result = await aptos.waitForTransaction({
transactionHash: res.hash,
options: {
timeoutSecs: 30,
checkSuccess: true,
// Log the transaction results
(optional) Using On-Demand with V2 interface
If you have existing code using the Switchboard V2 interface, you can use the On-Demand adapter for full compatibility with the new On-Demand service.
1. Update Move.toml
You'll need to update your Move.toml to include the new switchboard adapter address. Pick the correct one for your target network.
+ switchboard = "0xb3654a69ba2a252849a89fa70845ad8e713a28c322dc580ae457df1f747bb74a" # mainnet
# switchboard = "0xfe38ecf6fc57e742327af6e951e9fe2fcadcd6d1f1327ba2bee5a31e43d6637f" # testnet
# nothing has to change in the switchboard v2 dependency
git = ""
subdir = "move/switchboard/testnet/" # change to /mainnet/ if on mainnet - or fork and change deps for a specific commit hash
rev = "main"
2. Cranking
On-demand works on a pull-based mechanism, so you will have to crank feeds with your client-side code in order to get the latest data. This can be done using the Typescript SDK.
import {
} from "@switchboard-xyz/aptos-sdk";
import { Account, Aptos, AptosConfig, Network } from "@aptos-labs/ts-sdk";
// get the aptos client
const config = new AptosConfig({
network: Network.MAINNET, // network a necessary param / if not passed in, full node url is required
const aptos = new Aptos(config);
// create a SwitchboardClient using the aptos client
const client = new SwitchboardClient(aptos, "movement"); // "bardock" for testnet
const aggregator = new Aggregator(sb, aggregatorId);
// update the aggregator every 10 seconds
setInterval(async () => {
try {
// fetch the latest update and tx to update the aggregator
const { updateTx } = await aggregator.fetchUpdate({
sender: signerAddress,
// send the tx to update the aggregator
const tx = await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({
signer: account,
transaction: updateTx,
const resultTx = await waitForTx(aptos, tx.hash);
console.log(`Aggregator ${aggregatorId} updated!`);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error updating aggregator ${aggregatorId}: ${e}`);
}, 10000);