Part 1: Prerequisites and Quick Start Guide

This section prepares your environment and establishes the groundwork for utilising Switchboard on EVM networks.

NOTICE: Switchboard On-Demand on EVM is currently an unaudited alpha.


  • Basic understanding of Ethereum and Smart Contracts.

  • Familiarity with Solidity and JavaScript/TypeScript.

  • Node.js and npm installed.


To begin, install the necessary Switchboard SDKs:

  1. Solidity SDK: For interacting with Switchboard contracts on-chain:

    npm install @switchboard-xyz/on-demand-solidity
  2. Cross-Chain Typescript SDK: For querying oracle updates off-chain for on-chain submission:

    npm install @switchboard-xyz/on-demand

Ready to design and create your feed? Visit part 2

Last updated