With EVM Networks

Migrating to Switchboard, using Pyth, on EVM Networks

Add Switchboard Dependencies

Switchboard provides two SDKs, one for using the SDK with Typescript, another in Solidity for reading prices on-chain.

Typescript SDK

You can replace these packages with the single Switchboard Typescript SDK, @switchboard-xyz/on-demand with has a similar responsibility.

Get started by installing our Javascript/Typescript SDK via:

# https://switchboard-docs.web.app/
npm i @switchboard-xyz/on-demand

Solidity SDK

You can install the Switchboard On-Demand Solidity SDK by running:

# Add the Switchboard Solidity interfaces
npm add @switchboard-xyz/on-demand-solidity


If you're using Forge, add following to your remappings.txt file:


Updating On-Chain Code

1. Updating Imports


import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/IPyth.sol";
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/PythStructs.sol";


import {ISwitchboard} from "@switchboard-xyz/on-demand-solidity/ISwitchboard.sol";
import {Structs} from "@switchboard-xyz/on-demand-solidity/Structs.sol";

2. Creating the Interface

Saving a reference to the Switchboard contract is quite easy, all you have to do is keep a reference to the Switchboard deployment address (which you can find here in the docs). Migrating to using Pyth through Switchboard is simple:


IPyth pyth;

constructor(address pythContract) {
  // https://docs.pyth.network/price-feeds/contract-addresses/evm
  pyth = IPyth(pythContract);


ISwitchboard switchboard

constructor(address switchboardContract) {
  // https://docs.switchboard.xyz/docs/switchboard/readme/on-evm-networks#deployments
  switchboard = ISwitchboard(switchboardContract);

Step 3: Updating the Feed


function exampleMethod(bytes[] calldata priceUpdate) public payable {
  uint fee = pyth.getUpdateFee(priceUpdate);
  pyth.updatePriceFeeds{ value: fee }(priceUpdate);
  bytes32 priceFeedId = 0xff61491a931112ddf1bd8147cd1b641375f79f5825126d665480874634fd0ace; // ETH/USD
  PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPrice(priceFeedId);


function exampleMethod(bytes[] calldata priceUpdate) public payable {
  uint256 fees = switchboard.getFee(updates);
  switchboard.updateFeeds{ value: fees }(updates);
  bytes32 aggregatorId = "0xfd2b067707a96e5b67a7500e56706a39193f956a02e9c0a744bf212b19c7246c";
  Structs.Update memory latestUpdate = switchboard.latestUpdate(aggregatorId);

  // Get the latest feed result (int128)
  // This is encoded as decimal * 10^18
  result = latestUpdate.result;

The important thing to note about switchboard results is that they'll be stored as a decimal with a scale factor of 18.

Updating Off-Chain Code

Step 1: Update Imports

Pyth provides an SDK for connecting to Hermes for price updates. Switchboard has the on-demand ts-sdk for interacting with oracles and updating feeds.


import { PriceServiceConnection } from "@pythnetwork/price-service-client";
import * as ethers from "ethers";


import {
} from "@switchboard-xyz/on-demand";
import * as ethers from "ethers";

Step 2: Connect the Client

The next step is connecting the Crossbar Client. Crossbar is a utility server that allows us to easily simulate feeds (thereby getting an estimated result), query oracles for prices, and a few other utility functions used to make using Switchboard easier. The Pyth Hermes server has a similar function of brokering data from pythnet.


const connection = new PriceServiceConnection("https://hermes.pyth.network", {
  priceFeedRequestConfig: {
    binary: true,
const priceIds = [
const encoded = await connection.getLatestVaas(priceIds);


// for initial testing and development, you can use the rate-limited 
// https://crossbar.switchboard.xyz instance of crossbar
const crossbar = new CrossbarClient("https://crossbar.switchboard.xyz");

// Get the latest update data for the feed
const { encoded } = await crossbar.fetchEVMResults({
  aggregatorIds: ["0x0eae481a0c635fdfa18ccdccc0f62dfc34b6ef2951f239d4de4acfab0bcdca71"],
  chainId: 1115, // Replace this with the chainId for the target EVM network 

Step 3: Submitting the Updates

Submitting updates with Switchboard from here should be pretty similar to how you'd do them with Pyth. Here's an example of what that might look like:

Pyth and Switchboard

// Target contract address
const exampleAddress = "0xc65f0acf9df6b4312d3f3ce42a778767b3e66b8a";

// The Human Readable contract ABI
const abi = ["function exampleMethod(bytes[] calldata updates) public payable"];

// ... Setup ethers provider ...

// The Contract object
const exampleContract = new ethers.Contract(exampleAddress, abi, provider);

// Update feeds
await exampleContract.exampleMethod(encoded);

Last updated

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