Developers: Quickstart!

NOTICE: Switchboard On-Demand on EVM is currently an unaudited alpha.

First Steps!

There's a Solidity-SDK that you can use to interact with the oracle contract on-chain and leverage customized oracle data within your smart contracts. For querying oracle updates off-chain for on-chain submission, you can use the Switchboard On-Demand Typescript-SDK.


To use Switchboard On-Demand, you will need to have a basic understanding of Ethereum and smart contracts. For more on Switchboard's Architecture, see the docs.


You can install the Switchboard On-Demand Solidity SDK by running:

npm install @switchboard-xyz/on-demand-solidity

And you can install the cross-chain Typescript SDK by running:

npm install @switchboard-xyz/on-demand

Forge (Optional)

If you're using Forge, add following to your remappings.txt file:


Step 1: Create a Feed (or get one from explorer)

IMPORTANT: Feeds will NOT work unless they been created on-chain.

Designing a Switchboard On-Demand Feed

To design a Switchboard On-Demand feed, you can use the On-Demand Builder. Switchboard Feeds are created by specifying data sources and aggregation methods in an OracleJob format.

Get the aggregatorId

When you create a feed in the UI, you'll see a field titled Address, which corresponds to the aggregatorId. This is how feeds will be identified on the Switchboard contract.

Feeds only exist per network

Feeds only exist on a single network. A feed created on Arbitrum will not work if one tries to read its result onto Morph. The feed would need to be re-created on Morph for it to work.

Step 2: Solidity Integration


The code below shows the flow for leveraging Switchboard feeds in Solidity.

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {ISwitchboard} from "@switchboard-xyz/on-demand-solidity/ISwitchboard.sol";

contract Example {
  ISwitchboard switchboard;

  // Every Switchboard feed has a unique aggregator id 
  bytes32 aggregatorId;
  // Store the latest value
  int128 public result;
  // If the transaction fee is not paid, the update will fail.
  error InsufficientFee(uint256 expected, uint256 received);

  // If the feed result is invalid, this error will be emitted.
  error InvalidResult(int128 result);

  // If the Switchboard update succeeds, this event will be emitted with the latest price.
  event FeedData(int128 price);

   * @param _switchboard The address of the Switchboard contract
   * @param _aggregatorId The feed ID for the feed you want to query
  constructor(address _switchboard, bytes32 _aggregatorId) {
    // Initialize the target _switchboard
    // Get the existing Switchboard contract address on your preferred network from the Switchboard Docs
    switchboard = ISwitchboard(_switchboard);
    aggregatorId = _aggregatorId;

   * getFeedData is a function that uses an encoded Switchboard update
   * If the update is successful, it will read the latest price from the feed
   * See below for fetching encoded updates (e.g., using the Switchboard Typescript SDK)
   * @param updates Encoded feed updates to update the contract with the latest result
  function getFeedData(bytes[] calldata updates) public payable {

    // Get the fee for updating the feeds. If the transaction fee is not paid, the update will fail.
    uint256 fees = switchboard.getFee(updates);
    if (msg.value < fee) {
      revert InsufficientFee(fee, msg.value);

    // Submit the updates to the Switchboard contract
    switchboard.updateFeeds{ value: fees }(updates);

    // Read the current value from a Switchboard feed.
    // This will fail if the feed doesn't have fresh updates ready (e.g. if the feed update failed)
    // This is encoded as decimal * 10^18 to avoid floating point issues
    result = switchboard.latestUpdate(aggregatorId).result;

    // In this example, we revert if the result is negative
    if (result < 0) {
      revert InvalidResult(result);

    // Emit the latest result from the feed
    emit FeedData(latestUpdate.result);

This contract:

  1. Sets the Switchboard contract address and aggregator ID in the constructor

  2. Defines a function getFeedData

  3. Checks if the transaction fee is paid, using switchboard.getFee(bytes[] calldata updates).

  4. Submits the updates to the Switchboard contract using switchboard.updateFeeds(bytes[] calldata updates).

  5. Reads the latest value from the feed using switchboard.getLatestValue(bytes32 aggregatorId).

  6. Emits the latest result from the feed.

Step 3: Using the Feed

Simulating a Result

You might want to show some ticker on a user interface for a particular Switchboard feed. Using Crossbar and its Typescript SDK.

import {
} from "@switchboard-xyz/on-demand";

// for initial testing and development, you can use the rate-limited 
// instance of crossbar
const crossbar = new CrossbarClient("");

// fetch simulated results
const results = await crossbar.simulateEVMFeeds(
  1115, // chainId (Core Testnet is 1115)
  ["0x0eae481a0c635fdfa18ccdccc0f62dfc34b6ef2951f239d4de4acfab0bcdca71"], // aggregator ID's


Using the Encoded Updates

To get the encoded updates for the feed, you can use the Switchboard Typescript SDK. Here's an example of how to get the encoded updates:

import {
} from "@switchboard-xyz/on-demand";

// Get Crossbar instance for querying updates 
// for initial testing and development, you can use the rate-limited 
// instance of crossbar
const crossbar = new CrossbarClient("");

// Create a Switchboard On-Demand job
const chainId = 1115; // Core Devnet (as an example)

// Get the latest update data for a set of feeds
// encoded: `bytes` string of the encoded update for the feed which can be used in your contract
const { encoded } = await crossbar.fetchEVMResults({ chainId, aggregatorIds });

// Target contract address
const exampleAddress = "<MY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>";

// The ERC-20 Contract ABI, which is a common contract interface
// for tokens (this is the Human-Readable ABI format)
const abi = ["function getFeedData(bytes[] calldata updates) public payable"];

// ... Setup ethers provider ...

// The Contract object
const exampleContract = new ethers.Contract(exampleAddress, abi, provider);

// Update feeds
await exampleContract.getFeedData(encoded);

// Fetch the current value (for fun)
console.log(await exampleContract.result());

For more on this example, see the examples.

Last updated

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