Designing a Feed (SVM)

Tutorial on designing a feed with Switchboard

Designing a Switchboard Feed requires knowledge of the Oracle Job format, which sources data will come from, and some knowledge of the risks associated with different sources. For a simple guide on fetching data from various sources, and specifying what/how to get data, check out the docs on Switchboard Feeds.

The easiest way to build a Solana Pull Feed is using the Switchboard On-Demand Builder. If you don't find inspiration for your desired feed definition within these docs, you can explore existing feeds in the On-Demand Explorer, and even the Switchboard-V2 Push Explorer.

Making a Pull Feed with the Builder

  1. You should see the following, click one of the tabs on the left-side pane to reveal different tasks available to you.

  1. Drag the tasks you want for the desired source and configure then as you wish. The following example will use an HttpTask and a JsonParseTask.

  1. When you're happy with the job definition, click simulate. This will dry-run the jobs against an instance of the Switchboard Task-Runner. In this example, the simulator yields $64K at the time of running, with version "RC_06..." of the task-runner.

If you're happy with the job configuration, add it to the current Feed with 'Add'. Remember, the feed output will be the median of all jobs supplied. You can move onto Creating a Feed for more info around configuration.

Designing a Feed in Typescript

If you're more comfortable with a text editor, it can be useful to use language-server typescript features to configure feed inputs. For the following demonstration, we'll use for the ease of use with typescript.

Initializing the Project

  1. Create the example directory and navigate to it to initialize the bun project:

# create the example directory
mkdir example     
cd example

# initialize the bun project
bun init
  1. You can press enter through each of the options to setup the package.json and get through the configuration.

  2. The only dependency you'll need is the Switchboard On-Demand package, @switchboard-xyz/on-demand. Install it with:

bun add @switchboard-xyz/on-demand
  1. Make sure things are installed:

bun run index.ts
# Hello via Bun!

Boilerplate Script

Many developers using Switchboard choose to use Visual Studio Code, this is a great tool for writing Typescript code, and makes working with Oracle Jobs pretty straightforward.

To get started, replace the contents of index.ts with the following:


import { OracleJob } from "@switchboard-xyz/on-demand";

const jobs: OracleJob[] = [
  new OracleJob({
    tasks: [
        httpTask: {
          url: "",
        jsonParseTask: {
          path: "$[?(@.symbol == 'BTCUSDT')].price"

console.log("Running simulation...\n");

// Print the jobs that are being run.
const jobJson = JSON.stringify({ jobs: => job.toJSON()) });

// Serialize the jobs to base64 strings.
const serializedJobs = => {
  const encoded = OracleJob.encodeDelimited(oracleJob).finish();
  const base64 = Buffer.from(encoded).toString("base64");
  return base64;

// Call the simulation server.
const response = await fetch("", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: [["Content-Type", "application/json"]],
  body: JSON.stringify({ cluster: "Mainnet", jobs: serializedJobs }),

// Check response.
if (response.ok) {
  const data = await response.json();
  console.log(`Response is good (${response.status})`);
  console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
} else {
  console.log(`Response is bad (${response.status})`);
  console.log(await response.text());

Note: The simulation server is heavily rate-limited. Therefore, the endpoint should be used solely for test development purposes.


  "name": "example",
  "module": "index.ts",
  "type": "module",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/bun": "latest"
  "peerDependencies": {
    "typescript": "^5.0.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "@switchboard-xyz/on-demand": "^1.1.23"

Note: The @switchboard-xyz/on-demand package is actively maintained. Ensure the version in your package.json is up to date (it should likely be greater than 1.1.23, for example).

Running the Feed

From here, running the example feed is as simple as running

bun run index.ts

This command should now output something similar to:

Running simulation...


Response is good (200)
  "results": [
  "version": "RC_06_19_24_03_17"


Explore boilerplate feed definitions and learn about how the task runner works in the Switchboard Feeds Documentation. You can modify the job and add new ones until you're satisfied with the definition you've created. Then it's onto the next section.

Last updated