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Test Integration

Switchboard provides some tools to streamline test integration. This requires Docker to be installed and running on the host machine.


This is compatible with localnet and devnet.

Setup Localnet Environmentโ€‹

You may wish to run a localnet version of Switchboard to watch how your program reacts to data feed updates. You will need to copy some Switchboard accounts from devnet to your local validator on the initial startup sequence. This can be done with Anchor by editing your Anchor.toml config or by starting the local validator with the accounts provided.

url = ""

startup_wait = 15000

[[test.validator.clone]] # sb programID
address = "SW1TCH7qEPTdLsDHRgPuMQjbQxKdH2aBStViMFnt64f"

[[test.validator.clone]] # sb IDL
address = "Fi8vncGpNKbq62gPo56G4toCehWNy77GgqGkTaAF5Lkk"

[[test.validator.clone]] # sb SbState
address = "CyZuD7RPDcrqCGbNvLCyqk6Py9cEZTKmNKujfPi3ynDd"

[[test.validator.clone]] # sb SOL/USD Feed

Test Suiteโ€‹

Update your test file and add a before and after hook to create your Switchboard environment. You may omit the keypair arguments to create a brand new queue and oracle with each run. If no keypair is found at the path provided, one will be created for you.

The start method lets you specify the version of the oracle to run along with a docker config.

import {
} from "@switchboard-xyz/solana.js";
import { NodeOracle } from "@switchboard-xyz/oracle";
import { OracleJob } from "@switchboard-xyz/common";

describe("anchor-feed-parser test", () => {
const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env();

let switchboard: SwitchboardTestContext;
let oracle: NodeOracle;

let aggregatorAccount: AggregatorAccount;

before(async () => {
switchboard = await SwitchboardTestContext.loadFromProvider(provider, {
name: "Test Queue",
// You can provide a keypair to so the PDA schemes dont change between test runs
keypair: SwitchboardTestContext.loadKeypair("~/.keypairs/queue.json"),
queueSize: 10,
reward: 0,
minStake: 0,
oracleTimeout: 900,
// aggregators will not require PERMIT_ORACLE_QUEUE_USAGE before joining a queue
unpermissionedFeeds: true,
unpermissionedVrf: true,
enableBufferRelayers: true,
oracle: {
name: "Test Oracle",
enable: true,
stakingWalletKeypair: SwitchboardTestContext.loadKeypair(

oracle = await NodeOracle.fromReleaseChannel({
chain: "solana",
// use the latest testnet (devnet) version of the oracle
releaseChannel: "testnet",
// disables production capabilities like monitoring and alerts
network: "localnet",
rpcUrl: provider.connection.rpcEndpoint,
// path to the payer keypair so the oracle can pay for txns
secretPath: switchboard.walletPath || "~/.config/solana/id.json",
// set to true to suppress oracle logs in the console
silent: false,
// optional env variables to speed up the workflow
envVariables: {
DEBUG: "1",

// start the oracle and wait for it to start heartbeating on-chain
await oracle.startAndAwait();

after(() => {

it("Creates a static feed that resolves to 100", async () => {
[aggregatorAccount] = await switchboard.queue.createFeed({
batchSize: 1,
minRequiredOracleResults: 1,
minRequiredJobResults: 1,
minUpdateDelaySeconds: 10,
fundAmount: 0.15,
enable: true,
slidingWindow: true,
jobs: [
data: OracleJob.encodeDelimited(
tasks: [
valueTask: {
value: 100,

const aggregator = await aggregatorAccount.loadData();
const [updatedState] = await aggregatorAccount.openRoundAndAwaitResult();
const result = AggregatorAccount.decodeLatestValue(updatedState);
assert(result.toNumber() === 100, "Aggregator result mismatch");