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sb solana function test

$ sb solana function test [-h] [-v] [-s] [--mainnetBeta | --cluster <value>] [-u <value>] [--programId <value>]
[--attestationProgramId <value>] [--commitment confirmed|finalized|processed] [--parameters <value>]

-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--attestationProgramId=<value> alternative Switchboard Attestation program ID to interact with
--cluster=<value> The cluster to load if your function dynamically loads it
--commitment=<option> [default: confirmed] transaction commitment level to use
<options: confirmed|finalized|processed>
--devnetSimulate If the cluster is set to devnet, attempt to simulate
--mainnetBeta WARNING: use mainnet-beta solana cluster
--parameters=<value> Parameters to pass to your function
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with

Simulate the switchboard function runtime to test your functions locally