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sb evm routine create

$ sb evm routine create FUNCTIONKEY --account <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--chain coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora |
--coredao | --arbitrum | --optimism | --base | --aurora] [--network mainnet|testnet | --mainnet | --testnet] [-u
<value>] [--programId <value>] [--json] [--authority <value>] [--fundAmount <value>] [--schedule <value>] [--params

FUNCTIONKEY address of the function account

-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--account=<value> (required) Path to file containing the private key for the payer account
--arbitrum use the arbitrum chain
--aurora use the aurora chain
--authority=<value> keypair or address to delegate authority to for managing the function account
--base use the base chain
--chain=<option> the evm chain to interact with
<options: coredao|arbitrum|optimism|base|aurora>
--coredao use the coredao chain
--fundAmount=<value> [default: 0.0] token amount to load into the function's escrow wallet.
--mainnet use the mainnet network
--network=<option> the EVM network to connect to
<options: mainnet|testnet>
--optimism use the optimism chain
--params=<value> the parameters this routine should pass to the function
--programId=<value> alternative Switchboard program ID to interact with
--schedule=<value> the cron schedule to execute the function periodically (Ex. '15 * * * * *' will execute the
function every 15 seconds)
--testnet use the testnet network

--json Format output as json.

create a new routine account for a given function

$ sb evm routine create F8ce7MsckeZAbAGmxjJNetxYXQa9mKr9nnrC3qKubyYy --fundAmount 0.25 --container "mgild/randomness" --version latest