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sb aptos create queue

$ sb aptos create queue --keypair <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>]
[-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--minStake
<value>] [-r <value>] [--oracleTimeout <value>] [--queueSize <value>] [--slashingEnabled] [--unpermissionedFeeds]
[--unpermissionedVrf] [--enableBufferRelayers] [--lockLeaseFunding] [--new]

-a, --authority=<value> alternate account HexString that will be the authority for the queue
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-r, --reward=<value> oracle rewards for successfully responding to an update request
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--enableBufferRelayers enable oracles to fulfill buffer relayer requests
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--lockLeaseFunding lock lease funding
--metadata=<value> metadata of the queue for easier identification
--minStake=<value> minimum stake required by an oracle to join the queue
--name=<value> name of the queue for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--oracleTimeout=<value> [default: 180] number of oracles to add to the queue
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile to
load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--queueSize=<value> [default: 100] maximum number of oracles the queue can support
--slashingEnabled permit slashing malicous oracles
--unpermissionedFeeds permit unpermissioned feeds
--unpermissionedVrf permit unpermissioned VRF accounts

--json Format output as json.

create a new oracle queue

$ sb aptos create queue