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sb aptos aggregator create

$ sb aptos aggregator create QUEUEHEXSTRING --keypair <value> --updateInterval <value> [-h] [-v] [-s] [--networkId
devnet|testnet|mainnet] [--programId <value>] [-u <value>] [--profileName <value>] [--json] [-a <value>]
[--crankAddress <value>] [--name <value>] [--metadata <value>] [--forceReportPeriod <value>] [--batchSize <value>]
[--minJobs <value>] [--minOracles <value>] [--varianceThreshold <value>] [-j <value>] [--new]

QUEUEHEXSTRING HexString address of the queue

-a, --authority=<value> alternate named account that will be the authority for the oracle
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-j, --job=<value>... filesystem path to job definition file
-s, --silent suppress cli prompts
-u, --rpcUrl=<value> alternate RPC url
-v, --verbose log everything
--batchSize=<value> number of oracles requested for each open round call
--crankAddress=<value> optional, address of the crank to add the aggregator to
--forceReportPeriod=<value> Number of seconds for which, even if the variance threshold is not passed, accept new
responses from oracles.
--keypair=<value> (required) Path to AptosAccount keypair or config.yaml file
--metadata=<value> metadata of the aggregator for easier identification
--minJobs=<value> number of jobs that must respond before an oracle responds
--minOracles=<value> number of oracles that must respond before a value is accepted on-chain
--name=<value> name of the aggregator for easier identification
--networkId=<option> [default: testnet] Aptos network to connect to
<options: devnet|testnet|mainnet>
--new create account at new AptosAccount with authority set to --account
--profileName=<value> [default: default] If --keypair is pointing to a yaml file, provide an optional profile
to load. If none provided, default will be used
--programId=<value> Switchboard programId on the selected Aptos network
--updateInterval=<value> (required) set an aggregator's minimum update delay
--varianceThreshold=<value> [default: 0] percentage change between a previous accepted result and the next round
before an oracle reports a value on-chain. Used to conserve lease cost during low

--json Format output as json.

create an aptos aggregator for a given queue

$ sb aptos create aggregator